Masterclass + Group Program

Get ready to turn your Instagram into a Money Making Machine!

The ‘Gram is my Jam!

Does selling on Instagram feel like rocket science to you? Between the algorithm and ever changing “rules”, trying to build a business on the gram can feel confusing, frustrating and discouraging.

Lucky for you, I have spent the past 7 years trying all the things to learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to using Instagram to sell online. I’ve built two successful businesses using Instagram as my main platform for growth. 

And I’m sharing everything I know about what it takes to make money on the ‘gram during this 1-Day Masterclass & 4-Week Group Program!

The Group Program

Take your Instagram to the Next Level

In addition to the 1-Day Masterclass, get 4-Weekly In-Depth Coaching Calls with Q&A and Personalized IG Audits.